AAOSH Connect

A Comprehensive Review of Vascular Disease: Part One

Written by Charles Whitney, MD | Sep 11, 2012 2:07:09 AM

Part One of a four part series on Cardiovascular disease and Oral disease, written by Charles C. Whitney, M.D.

Abstract: Evidence shows an association between oral disease and systemic vascular disease. Physicians need our dental colleagues’ help if we strive to optimally reduce our patients’ risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. This four-part series will give dental professionals an understanding of the pathology of cardiovascular disease and describe how you can intervene to reduce risk in your personal life and your patients’ lives. Incorporating a cardiovascular health program in your practice will elevate your credibility as a true health professional, improve your ability to cure dental disease, and drive the much-needed collaboration between physicians and dentists. Part 1 of the series describes the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease and the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of plaque formation. You will also learn the best ways to detect disease at its earliest, most treatable stage.

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