BEcome an AAOSH Supporter

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) invites you to be an exhibitor at our Annual Session in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our members come eager and ready to learn and implement the latest techniques and products into their practice!

Each year our scientific session outperforms the year before, with leading-edge researchers, dentists, nurses, physicians, nutritionists, and community leaders sharing the most current knowledge about the oral-systemic link.

We will assign booths on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis with extended courtesy to our recurrent and higher level partners. Exhibit space always sells out fast so please don’t delay.

The entire AAOSH team look forward to welcoming you in Minneapolis!

View Exhibitor Prospectus

Sponsorship Inquiry

Interested in becoming an Academic Partner?

Academic Partners can be any accredited graduate level or health profession school including: dentistry, medicine, chiropractic, dental hygiene, physicians assistant, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, MBA, MPH, etc. Any interested schools must be a full time, accredited program. 

In addition to full AAOSH member benefits, Academic Partners receive significantly reduced Scientific Session registration fees and reduced membership rates for all students and faculty.



Academic Partner Inquiry