About Us
"World Leaders in Proactive Healthcare Collaboration"
Founded in 2010, The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization of healthcare leaders and health professionals dedicated to expanding awareness of the relationship between oral and whole-body health. AAOSH membership includes and is open to health professionals from many allied health disciplines, corporate supporters and sponsors, health educators, and healthcare leaders.
Membership and Academy activities, meetings, research, and communications are all supportive of helping members of the healthcare community to work closer together and to improve the oral and general health of our patients and our communities.
AAOSH promotes medical and dental partnerships, building closer ties between allied health professionals and improving interdisciplinary communication and professional referral relationships.
AAOSH invites all health professionals and members of the healthcare community to increase their understanding of the many relationships between the mouth and the body and to become actively involved with us in changing the public and professional attitudes and awareness related to the many oral-systemic connections.
Our Mission
Revolutionizing interdisciplinary healthcare by uniting medicine & dentistry to empower a higher quality of life.
Our Core Values
Integrity, Science-Based Health, Innovation, and Discovery Health care, Pioneering Interdisciplinary Health Care Education, Fellowship & Community, Collaboration
AAOSH supports health professionals and the public by providing a higher quality and standard of health care service and public awareness of the health connections linking the mouth and body. AAOSH is passionate about its vision to educate medical and dental professionals about the mouth-body connections and to help bridge the gaps within the medical disciplines and professions using current and emerging science and modern information technology to support the rapid and accurate exchange of available knowledge.
Emerging science confirms that chronic low-grade infections in the mouth elevate systemic inflammation and impact all body systems. The mouth is further linked with the rest of the body when considering the impact of oral airway and sleep apnea, TMD and headaches, dental caries infections, and oral cancer. The significance of these numerous mouth-body and oral-systemic connections highlights the importance of preventing and treating oral disease, which has mounting and profound medical impacts on “whole body” health.
“Oral Health” must, therefore, have a new definition and be supported by an organization inclusive of all medical professionals and practitioners committed to working and learning together in a spirit of collaborative cooperation. Patients everywhere will enjoy the resulting benefits of improved oral and general health, healing, longevity, and wellness.
AAOSH has long been in the minds of many healthcare providers who realize that the health of the mouth and the body are integrally linked. Research has bridged the information gap, and the mouth-body connection now needs a strong voice to get the world to rally around this message!
AAOSH is Accelerating the Wave
The organization’s first president, Dr. Chris Kammer, sounded the bell to announce that “Now is the time for us to create this organization.” In 1984, Chris’ father, Dr. Jack Kammer, was the founding father of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, today's world's largest organization for cosmetic dental professionals, with over 7000 practitioners, educators, researchers, and laboratory technicians from 70 countries. Cosmetic dentistry was a powerful wave that swept through the profession of dentistry. Oral systemic health is the next big wave, and it is beginning to build and sweep, not only through all of dentistry but also to include the medical and allied health community with its impact!