
Dannielle Springfield (she/her)

Digital Marketing Specialist

Meet Dannielle, a digital marketing specialist with a passion for creativity and problem-solving. She is new to AAOSH but is eager to utilize her skills to help spread awareness about AAOSH's mission. Before her current role, Dannielle worked for two years in a similar position at a for-profit company, where she gained valuable experience in B2B and B2C digital marketing and social media for several clients.

One of Dannielle's greatest strengths is her ability to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions to problems. She approaches each project with a fresh perspective and continually seeks new and creative ways to engage with her target audience. Her attention to detail and strategic thinking have helped her to exceed her goals and deliver exceptional results.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, she is one of eight siblings. When Dannielle isn't working, she enjoys indulging in her hobbies of sewing, crocheting, painting, and crafting. She finds that these activities help to keep her mind sharp and her creativity flowing. When not being creative, she spends her time caring for her two cats, Arthur and Aster.