Core Curriculum Banner

To learn is to grow:


AAOSH aims to promote continuing education by offering dental, medical, and allied healthcare professionals superior educational opportunities. Our Collaboration Cures In-person Event, online dental & medical education courses, the AAOSH Journal, and various hybrid events throughout the year provide AAOSH members with exceptional education for their CE and CME needs.

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Ready to Start Learning?

Our continuing education credits are cutting-edge, research-based education that has an immediate impact on your ability to treat patients, grow your practice, and become a leader in oral systemic health. The focus of our core curriculum online learning is to allow practitioners to receive interdisciplinary and actionable information on a number of core curriculum topics.

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Sign up for the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health membership for unlimited access to Core Curriculum modules, CE credits, and new live webinars. 

Provide your team and patients with the highest caliber research and education today

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Interested in contributing to the Core Curriculum?

If you have experience or expertise in a particular subject and would like to contribute to our courses, we invite you to submit an abstract. Your submission could help shape the education of future students, and we look forward to reviewing your ideas. Please view our guidelines for submission, and then use the form link to submit your abstract. Thank you for your interest!

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Core Curriculum Modules


AAOSH's continued education Curriculum can be broken into 14 Core Groups. You can find them below with brief descriptions of each category. Click the card to see our list of courses under that category.

According to the CDC, approximately 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women aged 30 and older have some level of periodontitis. The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Periodontal Disease & Biofilm Diseases of the Mouth examines the complex relationship between gum health and systemic wellness. This program provides healthcare professionals with advanced knowledge and skills to address this common condition, covering the latest advancements in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. It emphasizes the connections between periodontal disease and chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Engaging with this curriculum enhances practitioners' ability to deliver holistic care, thereby improving patient outcomes and promoting overall health.

Embrace the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Periodontal Disease & Biofilm Diseases of the Mouth HERE to elevate your practice and make a lasting impact on your patients' lives.


The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Metabolic Health explores the intricate link between oral health and metabolic processes, highlighting the impact of oral health on conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome.

According to the American Heart Association, 47 million Americans suffer from metabolic syndrome (one out of six people). This health condition, which is increasing in incidence, affects one-third of adults in the United States, and 20% to 25% of the world’s population are twice as likely to die from metabolic syndrome than from a stroke or heart attack. 

The Metabolic Health curriculum provides professionals with the knowledge and tools to identify and manage metabolic risk factors through comprehensive dental care. By emphasizing prevention and early intervention, the program aims to improve patient outcomes and overall health, demonstrating the critical role that dental professionals play in managing and mitigating metabolic disorders.

Explore the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Metabolic Health HERE to refine your practice and provide exceptional patient care. 

The AAOSH Lifestyle Core Curriculum is designed to integrate holistic wellness into oral health practices, emphasizing the vital connection between lifestyle choices and dental health. This comprehensive program covers nutrition, exercise, stress management, and hydration, providing actionable strategies to enhance overall well-being. By incorporating these elements into your practice, you'll be equipped to offer patients a more complete approach to health, promoting a healthy smile and a healthier life.

Explore the AAOSH Core Curriculum Lifestyle HERE to elevate your patient care and stay ahead in the evolving field of dental health.

The AAOSH Core Curriculum: Cancer and Autoimmune Disorders delves into the intricate connections between oral health and these critical systemic conditions. Participants will explore the latest research and clinical insights on how oral health influences cancer outcomes and autoimmune disease progression. The curriculum covers preventive strategies, interdisciplinary care approaches, and the role of inflammation in disease pathways. By understanding these complex interrelationships, dental professionals can enhance their diagnostic capabilities, optimize treatment planning, and contribute to holistic patient care.

Immerse yourself in the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Cancer and Autoimmune Disorders HERE to deepen your understanding and revolutionize your patient care approach.

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Adult Airway & Sleep Disorders focuses on the critical relationship between airway health and overall wellness, providing in-depth knowledge and practical skills for identifying and managing airway-related issues in adults. This program covers the latest research and techniques in diagnosing and treating conditions like sleep apnea, snoring, and other breathing disorders. By mastering these concepts, healthcare providers can significantly improve patient outcomes, addressing not only oral health but also systemic health concerns.

Dive into the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Adult Airway & Sleep Disorders HERE to enhance your practice and offer comprehensive care that truly makes a difference.

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Pediatric Health, Airway, Sleep Disorders, & Breathing focuses on the vital connection between oral health and the overall well-being of children. This program delves into the unique dental needs of pediatric patients, covering topics such as early childhood caries, the importance of primary dentition, and the impact of oral health on growth and development. By providing evidence-based guidelines and innovative treatment strategies, this curriculum equips healthcare professionals to deliver optimal care for young patients, promoting lifelong healthy habits and preventing future oral and systemic health issues.

Unlock the potential of the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Pediatric Health, Airway, Sleep Disorders, & Breathing HERE to transform your practice and significantly improve patient outcomes. 

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Behavioral Influences, Increasing Health Literacy, & the Psychology of Healing explores the critical role that behaviors and lifestyle choices play in oral and systemic health. This program educates healthcare professionals on how factors such as diet, stress, smoking, and oral hygiene practices impact patient outcomes. By understanding these behavioral influences, practitioners can develop more effective, personalized strategies for promoting healthy habits and preventing disease. This curriculum empowers professionals to address the root causes of health issues, encouraging lasting behavior changes that lead to improved overall well-being for their patients.

Dive into the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Behavioral Influences, Increasing Health Literacy, & the Psychology of Healing HERE to advance your expertise and significantly benefit your patients. 

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Environmental Influences addresses the crucial impact of environmental factors on overall health, particularly oral health. This comprehensive program educates healthcare professionals on the role of toxins, pollutants, and other environmental hazards in contributing to chronic diseases and oral health issues. Participants will learn about practical strategies for mitigating these risks and promoting healthier living environments for their patients. By integrating this knowledge into their practice, professionals can enhance their ability to provide holistic care that considers the broad spectrum of environmental influences on health.

Engage with the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Environmental Influences HERE to improve your practice and positively change your patients' lives.

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Cardiovascular Health emphasizes the critical link between oral health and heart health. This program provides comprehensive insights into how periodontal disease and other oral conditions can impact cardiovascular health, offering evidence-based strategies for prevention and management. By understanding the intricate connections between oral and cardiovascular systems, healthcare professionals can improve patient outcomes through integrated care approaches. This curriculum empowers practitioners to deliver holistic care that supports both oral and cardiovascular wellness, ultimately enhancing overall health and longevity for their patients.

Access the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Cardiovascular Health HERE to elevate your professional skills and make a meaningful difference for your patients. 

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Genetics delves into the profound impact that genetic factors have on oral and overall health. This program equips healthcare professionals with the knowledge to understand how genetic predispositions can influence the risk and progression of various conditions, including periodontal disease and oral cancer. Participants will explore the latest advancements in genetic research and learn how to integrate genetic insights into personalized treatment plans. By mastering this curriculum, professionals can enhance their ability to deliver tailored, preventive, and effective care that considers each patient's unique genetic makeup.

Discover the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Genetics HERE to enhance your practice and transform your patients' oral health. 

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Brain Health delves into the vital connection between oral health and cognitive function. This comprehensive program educates healthcare professionals on how periodontal disease, oral infections, and other dental issues can impact brain health and contribute to conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia. By understanding these links, practitioners can implement preventive measures and treatments that promote both oral and neurological health. This curriculum equips professionals with the knowledge to improve patient outcomes by addressing the oral systemic connections that influence brain health, ultimately enhancing patients' overall quality of life.

Explore the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Brain Health HERE to refine your practice and profoundly influence your patients' well-being. 

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Gut Health & Microbiome explores the critical relationship between oral health and the digestive system. This program provides healthcare professionals with insights into how oral microbiomes and infections can affect gut health, contributing to conditions such as leaky gut, inflammatory bowel disease, and other digestive disorders. By understanding these connections, practitioners can offer holistic treatment plans that address both oral and gut health, promoting overall wellness. This curriculum empowers professionals to integrate oral systemic health strategies into their practice, enhancing patient care and well-being.

Integrate the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Gut Health & Microbiome HERE to optimize your practice and achieve remarkable results for your patients. 

The AAOSH Core Curriculum: Success for the Oral Systemic Practice is designed to equip dental professionals with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the ever-evolving field of oral systemic health. This comprehensive program emphasizes the integration of oral and systemic care, offering practical strategies for improving patient outcomes and enhancing practice efficiency. Participants will learn cutting-edge techniques, gain insights into effective patient communication, and discover how to implement evidence-based practices that support overall health and well-being. With a focus on continuous improvement and professional growth, this curriculum is essential for anyone looking to elevate their practice and make a lasting impact on their patients' lives.

Explore the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Success for the Oral Systemic Practice HERE to elevate your practice and deliver exceptional patient care.

The AAOSH Core Curriculum on Practice Profitability is designed to help healthcare professionals enhance the financial health of their practices. This program covers strategies for increasing revenue, optimizing operational efficiency, and delivering high-value care that attracts and retains patients. By focusing on key business principles and innovative approaches, practitioners can learn how to maximize profitability while maintaining the highest standards of patient care. This curriculum empowers professionals to achieve a thriving practice that is both financially sustainable and dedicated to exceptional healthcare outcomes.

Take advantage of the AAOSH Core Curriculum on Practice Profitability HERE to enhance your practice and ensure lasting health benefits for your patients. 

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1. Periodontal Disease and Biofilm Diseases of the Mouth
2. Metabolic Health
3. Lifestyle
4. Cancer and Autoimmune Disorders
5. Adult Airway and Sleep Disorders
6. Pediatric Health, Airway, Sleep Disorders, and Breathing
7. Behavior Influences, Increasing Health Literacy, and the Psychology of Healing
8. Enviornmental Influences
9. Cardiovascular Health
10. Genetics
11. Brain Health
12. Gut Health and Microbiome
13. Success for the Oral Systemic Practice
14. Practice Profitability
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