A Message from AAOSH President Dr. Lee Ostler
Many readers and viewers will recognize that AAOSH has a new website with a simplified layout and presentation, and which reflects a lot of the groundwork happening behind the scenes. AAOSH continues to grow and expand its reach and its connections. A lot has been happening behind the scenes to bring benefits to AAOSH members and to healthcare through its efforts.
A new year has brought many new changes, opportunities, and benefits to oral-systemic health-focused practices – and to AAOSH members. We’ve already had a very successful February Mid-Winter reception in Chicago where friends and colleagues met together to collaborate and plan. Plus several successful and very informative webinars have been presented.
We have an exciting future ahead which builds on an already exciting past. Make plans now for the September 2014 Annual Scientific Session in St. Louis. The program of presentations is now set and promises to be another runaway success following the sold-out meeting at last year’s meeting in Las Vegas. Program details are now available. Take advantage of early registration and save.
The dual-track model in past meetings will be repeated where presentations can be selected based on beginner/advanced interest, as well as “Implementation” presentations and workshops.
We have an impressive array of presentations and presenters this year, including:
- Joe Blaes DDS - AAOSH, Wellness and Dentistry in the New Healthcare Era
- Brad Bale MD & Amy Doneen MSN, ARNP - Inflammation & the Oral Systemic Link
- Jason Wischmeyer MD, PhD
- David Wong MD - Salivary Diagnostics & Salivaomics
- David Singh DDSc, PhD, BDS - Adult Biomimetric Arch Development: Ortho, TMD, Sleep Apnea, and Facial Symmetry Therapy
- Trisha O’Hehir RDH - Airway & Breathing in Children
- William Sears MD
- Doug Thompson DDS - Oral-Systemic Implementation
- Duane Keller DMD, FAGD - Diplomat IBO Science of Perio Bacteria
- Dennis Abbott DDS - Dental Care for Patients with Cancer, Transplants, and Other Medical Conditions
- Jo-Anne Jones RDH - Oral Cancer
- Joseph Ojile MD - Sleep Dentistry
- Yipping Han PhD - Pregnancy Complications/Colorectal Cancer
- Tom Nabors DDS - Immune System Pathway
- Steven Masley MD, FAAFP, CNS - Nutrition-Periodontal-Cardiovascular Link; Food & Nutrition Choices
- Gary Kadi - Oral-Systemic Implementation
- Steven Anderson - Oral-Systemic Implementation
- Susan Maples DDS, MSBA - Creating Community Distinction: Target Marketing for the Wellness Practice
Don’t miss this meeting!
Come to St. Louis. Be a contributing part of the growing AAOSH community and get involved in your future! Make St. Louis your “Gateway to Health” this year!
Lee Ostler DDS
President, AAOSH