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A Power Breakfast to Fuel the Active Dental Professional

8 Reasons to Eat a Healthy Breakfast:

  1. Optimal Weight: The National Weight Control Registry reported that 78% of people who maintain a healthy weight eat breakfast everyday
  2. Lower Diabetes Risk: The American Heart Association reported that people who eat breakfast are less likely to develop diabetes.
  3. Better Mood: kipping breakfast in the beginning may add some euphoria to your drive but eventually leaves you flat and often irritable later in the morning
  4. Portion Control Mastery: Have an easier time controlling their caloric intake throughout the day than those who don’t, Paul Chek Exercise Scientist (How to Eat Move and Be Healthy)
  5. More Athletic: People who eat a healthy are better able to enjoy more physical activity.
  6. Energy Boost: A healthy breakfast can provide your body with the fuel to kick start your day
  7. Boosts Brain Power: Eating breakfast improves learning and memory in children
  8. Focus: The American Dietetic Association, reported people who eat breakfast are more productive and have an easier time focusing

It’s so easy to justify missing breakfast if you are a busy professional with a demanding schedule and full life. I have done it in the past myself: getting up with little time to spare and grabbing a quick coffee & muffin for energy and zooming out to the office. But I also note that I was 225 pounds in 1995, overweight and had fallen off track with my commitment to personal health and wellness. I didn’t feel authentic sharing wellness tips and talking whole body health with my patients and I knew something had to change. Here’s a simple recipe for a morning protein smoothie to give you a POWERFUL KICK START to your busy day (of course some of you might have some ideas of your own and enjoy smoothies already):

  • Water (filtered)
  • Ice
  • Whey protein (grass fed cows being the ideal source)
  • Fruit (mixed) or frozen mixed berries
  • Almond butter (adds a nice texture and a good source of fats
  • Flax oil (a good source of essential fats)

Mix in a small personal blender (e.g. Magic Bullet) and enjoy right away or drink on the go. I also keep a blender at the office so I can enjoy a limited version of the protein smoothie at work (e.g. chilled water, some Greek yogurt and whey protein powder).

If you missed Dr. Odiatu at the AAOSH Scientific Session, join us in Dallas for his encore!