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The Million Dollar 'No Drill' Oral Systemic Practice.

Presented by: Chris Kammer, DDS, FAAOSH

Original Publication Date: October 11, 2024

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Course Description:

It's being called "the ultimate disruptor" of the dental profession! This new practice model focuses on preventing tooth decay and healing existing carious lesions. Your best chance of NEVER needing a drill put to your teeth is here in this model because there are NO DRILLS! Healthy teeth are guaranteed for a lifetime here. We all know it's possible, and now patients can make it probable. This practice's highest level of prevention doesn't stop with teeth. Periodontal disease, at any level, is not tolerated. In fact, it is diagnosed using ten markers that go way beyond traditional clinical signs. Finally, this high oral infection and inflammation control level doesn't stop with the gums. Screening for early risk for heart attack, stroke, diabetes, dementia, and more is also performed due to the periodontal disease connections. This gives patients their best chance of staying whole body healthy beyond the mouth.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the five factors that must be present for "state of the art" caries prevention and “No Drill” caries treatment.
  • Learn the eight early-risk systemic screening tests that can be performed in the dental office to identify periodontal disease and screen for bigger systemic risks.
  • Learn the five key financial windfalls that make a million-dollar "No Drill Dental" practice possible.

Speaker Bio:

Dr Chris Kammer is the founding father of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, and he has been an oral systemic consultant for over 200 dental offices. He was ABC World News Tonight's Person of the Week for founding the national Halloween Candy Buyback, and 25 million viewers saw his audition on American Idol.